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You are going to talk about staff management. You should say:
What it is
What the benefits are
Explain why it is important
Staff management is the process of managing the people who work for you. Many of these tasks are usually done by a specialized department, such as personnel or human resources, in large companies. However, all line managers are still responsible for overseeing and managing the activities and making sure the staff who work for them are happy and healthy.
Every business or group started with a small group of friends or strangers getting together. But if they do well on their own and grow into a big company, they will need to optimize their workflow and the different steps they take to get there. It’s clear that when the number of employees goes up, things get harder. So, there needs to be an HR Management System (HRMS) that takes care of the HR tasks of the organization in order to keep track of the work and automate the processes. If a company doesn’t have an HRMS, it will be hard to keep track of employees and automate tasks.
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