EN20_Đọc 1

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Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. f The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. f People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. t People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. t Slow sports have become unpopular.
5. f More time is spent on stories.
Mô tả câu hỏi
punctual use time badly last too long don’t have the time you need use more time
Match each expression to its meaning.
1. waste time use time badly
2. take a long time last too long
3. spend more time use more time
4. on time punctual
5. don’t have enough time don’t have the time you need
un- in- dis- imMô tả câu hỏi
Admit invest Avoid improve ignore Work Environment Manners Respond introduce
Fill the gaps with these words from the text
A recruitment firm gives this advice to new workers:
It is important to invest time in your relationships with others at Work . Get to know the people who work
near you: introduce yourself to them and tell them something about yourself. If people ask for your help, always
Respond positively. Don’t ignore emails or phone calls just because you are busy. If you make a mistake, it is
better to Admit it and then apologise. When things go wrong, stay calm and Avoid shouting and using bad
language. Remember good Manners help to improve your working Environment , and you will find you can
enjoy your work more.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Add the following prefixes to the adjectives below to make words with the opposite meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. in formal 2. dis satisfied 3. dis honest
4. im polite 5. im practical 6. in considerate
7. un friendly 8. in efficient 9. un important
10. dis respectful 11. im patient 12. in appropriate
Mô tả câu hỏi
Text 1 Bad manners at work
Etiquette is the name we give to the rules for being polite in a social group. Business etiquette is important for people
who often have to make new contacts and build relationships in their work. Politeness can also help to improve the
working environment for people in the same office. Some cultures and situations are formal, which means that we
have to follow rules; other cultures and situations are more informal.
Text 2 Office workers “admit being rude”
Most office workers say they are rude or bad-mannered at work. Two out of three workers regularly arrive late for
meetings, most ignore emails and three out of four use bad language. In a survey of 1,000 workers, two-thirds say that
pressure of work is the reason for bad manners.
Other common examples of bad office etiquette include ignoring colleagues and answering mobile phone calls during
meetings. Using mobile phones in meetings is impolite and distracts others, research by the University of Surrey shows.
If you respond to call when speaking to somebody, it means that the phone call is more important than the person, the
survey said. If you answer a call during a meeting, it could mean that the meeting is not important.
Mr Jacobs, managing director of Office Angels, a recruitment firm say it is easy for people to forget their manners in the
working environment, which is often very informal and very busy. Workers can forget proper etiquette such as
introducing people at meetings, and this is often bad for working relationships.
Psychologist Dr Colin Gill believes that people are not as polite as they were twenty years ago. He said: ‘Courtesy is no
longer something that is so much respected in our society.’ People think it is ‘stuffy to be polite or formal.’
Now some organisations are actually investing money in training their junior managers to be polite. Office Angels is
encouraging people to arrive on time for meetings, turn off mobile phones and avoid bad manners at work is such a
simple thing to do,’ Mr Jacobs says, ‘ and it can have a dramatic impact on improving your working environment and
your relationships with others.’
The aim of the texts is to …………………………………….
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. reflect the fact of officer’s bad manners at work with illustrations
b. encourage officer’s bad manners at work
c. reflect the fact of officer’s good manners at work with illustrations
Mô tả câu hỏi
symbolizes masculine color respectable cultures wedding gown strong color delicate mourning
Complete each sentence with the correct one.
1. Amazingly, pink is considered a masculine color in some parts of the world. Men wear it.
2. The wedding gown is very expensive.
3. I don’t like red. It is a strong color
4. The kite is too delicate to fly safely.
5. Blue symbolizes peace.
6. In this country, people often wear black clothes in mourning
7. Meanings of colors are different in different cultures
8. The man in the grey suit is a respectable professor
Mô tả câu hỏi
ambition challenges accomplishments inspire encourage professional climbing afraid
Complete the conversation with words from the box. Use each word only once.
A Did you read the article on Erik Weihenmayer? Isn’t he a fascinating person?
B Yes, he really is! Imagine being blind and climbing a mountain!
A Even for people who can see, climbing a mountain is very difficult.
B You know, I was really surprised to learn that he is also a teacher and a professional athlete.
A People like Erik really inspire people all around the world. Did you know that he is not the only person with a
disability who has done amazing things?
B Yes! I red about Helen Keller in school. She was blind, deaf, and could not speak. Helen Keller became famous
because of all the accomplishments she had in her lifetime.
A Right! But people who have disabilities are not the only people who face challenges We all have difficulties in
our lives. We face challenges at home, at work, at school, and in relationships.
B I agree. Do you think challenges are good for us?
A Yes, I do. I think if a person is not afraid and has ambition then he or she can overcome most of life’s
challenges. I believe that challenges make us stronger.
B You are right! I think that people like Erik Weihenmayer and Helen Keller really encourage others to be brave
and face life’s challenges and never give up.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. F The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. F People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. T People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. T Slow sports have become unpopular.
5. F More time is spent on stories.
Mô tả câu hỏi
don’t have the time you need use time badly use more time last too long punctual
Match each expression to its meaning.
1. waste time use time badly
2. take a long time last too long
3. spend more time use more time
4. on time punctual
5. don’t have enough time don’t have the time you need
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. F The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. F People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. T People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. T Slow sports have become unpopular.
5. F More time is spent on stories.
Mô tả câu hỏi
use more time punctual don’t have the time you need use time badly last too long
Match each expression to its meaning.
1. waste time use time badly
2. take a long time last too long
3. spend more time use more time
4. on time punctual
5. don’t have enough time don’t have the time you need
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. F The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. F People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. T People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. T Slow sports have become unpopular.
5. F More time is spent on stories.
Mô tả câu hỏi
use time badly use more time last too long don’t have the time you need punctual
Match each expression to its meaning.
1. waste time use time badly
2. take a long time last too long
3. spend more time use more time
4. on time punctual
5. don’t have enough time don’t have the time you need
un- in- dis- imMô tả câu hỏi
Admit Environment improve Manners introduce ignore Work invest Respond Avoid
Fill the gaps with these words from the text
A recruitment firm gives this advice to new workers:
It is important to invest time in your relationships with others at Work . Get to know the people who work
near you: introduce yourself to them and tell them something about yourself. If people ask for your help, always
Respond positively. Don’t ignore emails or phone calls just because you are busy. If you make a mistake, it is
better to Admit it and then apologise. When things go wrong, stay calm and Avoid shouting and using bad
language. Remember good Manners help to improve your working Environment , and you will find you can
enjoy your work more.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Add the following prefixes to the adjectives below to make words with the opposite meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. in formal 2. dis satisfied 3. dis honest
4. im polite 5. im practical 6. in considerate
7. un friendly 8. in efficient 9. un important
10. dis respectful 11. im patient 12. in appropriate
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. F The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. F People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. T People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. T Slow sports have become unpopular.
5. F More time is spent on stories.
Mô tả câu hỏi
don’t have the time you need use more time punctual last too long use time badly
Match each expression to its meaning.
1. waste time use time badly
2. take a long time last too long
3. spend more time use more time
4. on time punctual
5. don’t have enough time don’t have the time you need
Mô tả câu hỏi
symbolizes delicate strong color respectable cultures wedding gown masculine color mourning
Complete each sentence with the correct one.
1. Amazingly, pink is considered a masculine color in some parts of the world. Men wear it.
2. The wedding gown is very expensive.
3. I don’t like red. It is a strong color
4. The kite is too delicate to fly safely.
5. Blue symbolizes peace.
6. In this country, people often wear black clothes in mourning
7. Meanings of colors are different in different cultures
8. The man in the grey suit is a respectable professor
Mô tả câu hỏi
encourage afraid inspire climbing professional challenges accomplishments ambition
Complete the conversation with words from the box. Use each word only once.
A Did you read the article on Erik Weihenmayer? Isn’t he a fascinating person?
B Yes, he really is! Imagine being blind and climbing a mountain!
A Even for people who can see, climbing a mountain is very difficult.
B You know, I was really surprised to learn that he is also a teacher and a professional athlete.
A People like Erik really inspire people all around the world. Did you know that he is not the only person with a
disability who has done amazing things?
B Yes! I red about Helen Keller in school. She was blind, deaf, and could not speak. Helen Keller became famous
because of all the accomplishments she had in her lifetime.
A Right! But people who have disabilities are not the only people who face challenges We all have difficulties in
our lives. We face challenges at home, at work, at school, and in relationships.
B I agree. Do you think challenges are good for us?
A Yes, I do. I think if a person is not afraid and has ambition then he or she can overcome most of life’s
challenges. I believe that challenges make us stronger.
B You are right! I think that people like Erik Weihenmayer and Helen Keller really encourage others to be brave
and face life’s challenges and never give up.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Replace the bold words by the opposite word
1. Princess Prince William is a member of the British royal family.
2. He’s the Queen’s granddaughter grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana.
3. He’s the King’s Queen grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana
4. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest daughter son of Charles and Diana
5. His sister’s brother name is Harry.
6. Diana, their father mother , isn’t alive now.
7. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepfather stepmother , Camilla.
8. William’s husband wife is Kate Middleton.
Mô tả câu hỏi
different from gave birth to under police escort delighted with in due course spent time with in line to admitted to
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family. Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the members of the royal
family and the Duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the Duchess has
been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to stay for
several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for several
days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the Duchess gave birth to a
baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St Mary’s for
the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. The
Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new arrival as
“wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under
police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with
tradition. A palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A Buckingham Palace
spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Complete the following sentences using the phrases given below. Look back at Reading Text ‘The Royal Family’ in case
you check your answers.
1. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. (para 4)
2. The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news. (para 5)
3. The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. (para 5)
4. A spokesman said the duchess has been admitted to KingEdwardVII Hospital in central London with acute
morning sickness. (para 5)
5. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the duchess
gave birth to a baby boy. (para 6)
6. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. (para 6)
7. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under police escort (para 6)
8. A Palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course (para 6)
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family- but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family! Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom – and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the Members of the Royal
Family and the duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the duchess
has been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to
stay for several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in
hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the duchess gave birth
to a baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St
Mary’s for the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the
world. The Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new
arrival as “wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the
palace under police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in
line with tradition. A Palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A
Buckingham Palace spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Match paragraph headings A-F with paragraphs 1-6.
A. William and Kate expecting a baby 5
B. Kate’s family 2
C. The Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a baby
D. Royal duties 4
E. William family 1
F. An ordinary couple 3
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. f The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. f People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. t People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. t Slow sports have become unpopular.
un- in- dis- im5. f More time is spent on stories.
Mô tả câu hỏi
use more time punctual don’t have the time you need use time badly last too long
Match each expression to its meaning.
1. waste time use time badly
2. take a long time last too long
3. spend more time use more time
4. on time punctual
5. don’t have enough time don’t have the time you need
Mô tả câu hỏi
Manners Respond Environment ignore invest improve Work introduce Admit Avoid
Fill the gaps with these words from the text
A recruitment firm gives this advice to new workers:
It is important to invest time in your relationships with others at Work . Get to know the people who work
near you: introduce yourself to them and tell them something about yourself. If people ask for your help, always
Respond positively. Don’t ignore emails or phone calls just because you are busy. If you make a mistake, it is
better to Admit it and then apologise. When things go wrong, stay calm and Avoid shouting and using bad
language. Remember good Manners help to improve your working Environment , and you will find you can
enjoy your work more.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Add the following prefixes to the adjectives below to make words with the opposite meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. In formal 2. Dis satisfied 3. Dis honest
4. Im polite 5. Im practical 6. In considerate
7. un friendly 8. In efficient 9. un important
10. Dis respectful 11. Im patient 12. In appropriate
Mô tả câu hỏi
cultures symbolizes strong color masculine color wedding gown delicate mourning respectable
Complete each sentence with the correct one.
1. Amazingly, pink is considered a masculine color in some parts of the world. Men wear it.
2. The wedding gown is very expensive.
3. I don’t like red. It is a strong color
4. The kite is too delicate to fly safely.
5. Blue symbolizes peace.
6. In this country, people often wear black clothes in mourning
7. Meanings of colors are different in different cultures
8. The man in the grey suit is a respectable professor
Mô tả câu hỏi
ambition challenges inspire accomplishments afraid encourage climbing professional
Complete the conversation with words from the box. Use each word only once.
A Did you read the article on Erik Weihenmayer? Isn’t he a fascinating person?
B Yes, he really is! Imagine being blind and climbing a mountain!
A Even for people who can see, climbing a mountain is very difficult.
B You know, I was really surprised to learn that he is also a teacher and a professional athlete.
A People like Erik really inspire people all around the world. Did you know that he is not the only person with a
disability who has done amazing things?
B Yes! I red about Helen Keller in school. She was blind, deaf, and could not speak. Helen Keller became famous
because of all the accomplishments she had in her lifetime.
A Right! But people who have disabilities are not the only people who face challenges We all have difficulties in
our lives. We face challenges at home, at work, at school, and in relationships.
B I agree. Do you think challenges are good for us?
A Yes, I do. I think if a person is not afraid and has ambition then he or she can overcome most of life’s
challenges. I believe that challenges make us stronger.
B You are right! I think that people like Erik Weihenmayer and Helen Keller really encourage others to be brave
and face life’s challenges and never give up.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Replace the bold words by the opposite word
1. Princess Prince William is a member of the British royal family.
2. He’s the Queen’s granddaughter grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana.
3. He’s the King’s Queen grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana
4. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest daughter son of Charles and Diana
5. His sister’s brother name is Harry.
6. Diana, their father mother , isn’t alive now.
7. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepfather stepmother , Camilla.
8. William’s husband Wife is Kate Middleton.
Mô tả câu hỏi
gave birth to in due course delighted with under police escort different from in line to spent time with admitted to
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family. Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the members of the royal
family and the Duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the Duchess has
been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to stay for
several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for several
days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the Duchess gave birth to a
baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St Mary’s for
the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. The
Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new arrival as
“wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under
police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with
tradition. A palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A Buckingham Palace
spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Complete the following sentences using the phrases given below. Look back at Reading Text ‘The Royal Family’ in case
you check your answers.
1. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. (para 4)
2. The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news. (para 5)
3. The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. (para 5)
4. A spokesman said the duchess has been admitted to KingEdwardVII Hospital in central London with acute
morning sickness. (para 5)
5. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the duchess
gave birth to a baby boy. (para 6)
6. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. (para 6)
7. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under police escort (para 6)
8. A Palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course (para 6)
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family- but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family! Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom – and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the Members of the Royal
Family and the duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the duchess
has been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to
stay for several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in
hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the duchess gave birth
to a baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St
Mary’s for the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the
world. The Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new
arrival as “wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the
palace under police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in
line with tradition. A Palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A
Buckingham Palace spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Match paragraph headings A-F with paragraphs 1-6.
A. William and Kate expecting a baby 5
B. Kate’s family 2
C. The Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a baby
D. Royal duties 4
E. William family 1
F. An ordinary couple 3
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. f The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. f People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. t People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. t Slow sports have become unpopular.
5. f More time is spent on stories.
Mô tả câu hỏi
professional ambition inspire afraid challenges encourage climbing accomplishments
Complete the conversation with words from the box. Use each word only once.
A Did you read the article on Erik Weihenmayer? Isn’t he a fascinating person?
B Yes, he really is! Imagine being blind and climbing a mountain!
A Even for people who can see, climbing a mountain is very difficult.
B You know, I was really surprised to learn that he is also a teacher and a professional athlete.
A People like Erik really inspire people all around the world. Did you know that he is not the only person with a
disability who has done amazing things?
B Yes! I red about Helen Keller in school. She was blind, deaf, and could not speak. Helen Keller became famous
because of all the accomplishments she had in her lifetime.
A Right! But people who have disabilities are not the only people who face challenges We all have difficulties in
our lives. We face challenges at home, at work, at school, and in relationships.
B I agree. Do you think challenges are good for us?
A Yes, I do. I think if a person is not afraid and has ambition then he or she can overcome most of life’s
challenges. I believe that challenges make us stronger.
B You are right! I think that people like Erik Weihenmayer and Helen Keller really encourage others to be brave
and face life’s challenges and never give up.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Work Admit ignore Manners invest introduce Respond improve Avoid Environment
Fill the gaps with these words from the text
A recruitment firm gives this advice to new workers:
It is important to invest time in your relationships with others at Work . Get to know the people who work
near you: introduce yourself to them and tell them something about yourself. If people ask for your help, always
un- in- dis- imRespond positively. Don’t ignore emails or phone calls just because you are busy. If you make a mistake, it is
better to Admit it and then apologise. When things go wrong, stay calm and Avoid shouting and using bad
language. Remember good Manners help to improve your working Environment , and you will find you can
enjoy your work more.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Add the following prefixes to the adjectives below to make words with the opposite meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. In formal 2. dis satisfied 3. dis honest
4. im polite 5. im practical 6. In considerate
7. un friendly 8. In efficient 9. un important
10. dis respectful 11. im patient 12. In appropriate
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the texts and do the activities that follow.
The Olympic Games
During the Olympic Games, people from all over the world come together in the peace and friendship. Some of these
people complete for medals. Several million people attend the games, and millions of other people watch them on
Why do we have the Olympic Games? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games that we have records of were in
Greece in 776 B.C. The games lasted one day. The only event in the first thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran
the length or the stadium (about 192 meters). Then, longer running races were added. Through the years, a few other
kinds of events, like the long jump, were also added. During this time, the games were for men only, and women could
not even watch them. In the year 393, a Roman emperor ended the Olympic Game because the quality of the games
became very low. The Olympics did not take place again for 1500 years!
In 1984, Pierre de Coubertin of France helped from the International Olympic Committee, and the modern Olympic
Games began. In1896, the games were held again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks built a new stadium for the
competition. Three hundred and eleven athletes from thirteen countries competed in many events. The winners became
national heroes.
After 1896, the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the world. In 1900, the
Olympics were in Paris, France, and women competed for the first time. In 1908, in London, England, the first gold
medals were given to winning athletes. Before that time, the winners received only silver and bronze medals. The
Olympic flag was first introduced in 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium. The flag has five rings on it. The rings represent the
continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South American. Each ring is a different color – blue,
yellow, black, green, or red – because the flag of each of the countries that compete in the games has at least one of
these colors in it.
The Olympic Winter games began in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Athletes competed in winter events such as skiing, ice
skating, and ice hockey. Today, the Winter Games take places every four years. The Summer Games also take place
every four years, but not in the same year as the winter events. Both the Summer Games and the Winter Games must
have at least fifteen events, and they cannot last more than sixteen days.
Until recently, Olympic competitors could not be professional athletes. All of the athletes in the Olympic Games were
amateurs. Today, however, many of the Olympic athletes are professional who play their sports for money during the
year. Some people disagree with this idea. They believe that the Olympic game are for amateur athletes, not paid
professionals. Other people think that any one can play in the Olympic Games. No matter who the athletes are, millions
of people throughout the world enjoy watching the greatest athletic competitions, the Summer Game and the Winter
Games of the Olympics.
Read The Olympic Games and write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false.
The first Olympic competitors ran the length of the
Pierre de Coubertin was an athlete in the first modern
Winners have always received gold medals.
The Olympic flag has six colored rings on it.
The summer and winter games take place in the same year.
Today both men and women compete in the Olympics.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the texts and do the activities that follow.
The Olympic Games
During the Olympic Games, people from all over the world come together in the peace and friendship. Some of these
people complete for medals. Several million people attend the games, and millions of other people watch them on
Why do we have the Olympic Games? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games that we have records of were in
Greece in 776 B.C. The games lasted one day. The only event in the first thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran
the length or the stadium (about 192 meters). Then, longer running races were added. Through the years, a few other
kinds of events, like the long jump, were also added. During this time, the games were for men only, and women could
not even watch them. In the year 393, a Roman emperor ended the Olympic Game because the quality of the games
became very low. The Olympics did not take place again for 1500 years!
In 1984, Pierre de Coubertin of France helped from the International Olympic Committee, and the modern Olympic
Games began. In1896, the games were held again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks built a new stadium for the
competition. Three hundred and eleven athletes from thirteen countries competed in many events. The winners became
national heroes.
After 1896, the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the world. In 1900, the
Olympics were in Paris, France, and women competed for the first time. In 1908, in London, England, the first gold
medals were given to winning athletes. Before that time, the winners received only silver and bronze medals. The
Olympic flag was first introduced in 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium. The flag has five rings on it. The rings represent the
continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South American. Each ring is a different color – blue,
yellow, black, green, or red – because the flag of each of the countries that compete in the games has at least one of
these colors in it.
The Olympic Winter games began in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Athletes competed in winter events such as skiing, ice
skating, and ice hockey. Today, the Winter Games take places every four years. The Summer Games also take place
every four years, but not in the same year as the winter events. Both the Summer Games and the Winter Games must
have at least fifteen events, and they cannot last more than sixteen days.
Until recently, Olympic competitors could not be professional athletes. All of the athletes in the Olympic Games were
amateurs. Today, however, many of the Olympic athletes are professional who play their sports for money during the
year. Some people disagree with this idea. They believe that the Olympic game are for amateur athletes, not paid
professionals. Other people think that any one can play in the Olympic Games. No matter who the athletes are, millions
of people throughout the world enjoy watching the greatest athletic competitions, the Summer Game and the Winter
Games of the Olympics.
X (the three main ideas of the Reading) or O (not the three main ideas of the Reading
x 1. The Olympic Games began in Greece with only one event.
o 2. The winter Games and the Summer Games each have at least fifteen events.
x 3. The Olympics have changed a lot since they began.
o 4. Skiing is a winter event.
x 5. The Olympic Games bring people together in peace.
Mô tả câu hỏi
He……………………in at the university.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Specially
b. Specializes
c. Special
d. Specialty
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family. Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the members of the royal
family and the Duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the Duchess has
been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to stay for
several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for several
days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the Duchess gave birth to a
baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St Mary’s for
the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. The
Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new arrival as
“wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under
police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with
tradition. A palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A Buckingham Palace
spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Read the text ‘The Royal Family’ again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. f Camilla is William’s mother.
2. t William’s wife if the Duchess of Cambridge.
3. f Kate is one of two children.
4. f James is William’s cousin.
5. t William is a football fan.
6. t The King or Queen of England is also the King or Queen of Australia.
7. f William and Kate’s son will be first in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William.
8. t Kate gave birth to a baby boy, at 4:30pm, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital.
9. f William was absent from St Mary’s for the birth.
10. f Few people in England knew about Kate giving birth to a baby boy.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Replace the bold words by the opposite word
1. Princess Prince William is a member of the British royal family.
2. He’s the Queen’s granddaughter grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana.
3. He’s the King’s Queen grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana
4. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest daughter son of Charles and Diana
5. His sister’s brother name is Harry.
6. Diana, their father mother , isn’t alive now.
7. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepfather stepmother , Camilla.
8. William’s husband Wife is Kate Middleton.
Mô tả câu hỏi
in due course different from gave birth to spent time with delighted with in line to admitted to under police escort
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family. Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the members of the royal
family and the Duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the Duchess has
been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to stay for
several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for several
days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the Duchess gave birth to a
baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St Mary’s for
the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. The
Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new arrival as
“wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under
police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with
tradition. A palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A Buckingham Palace
spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Complete the following sentences using the phrases given below. Look back at Reading Text ‘The Royal Family’ in case
you check your answers.
1. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. (para 4)
2. The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news. (para 5)
3. The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. (para 5)
4. A spokesman said the duchess has been admitted to KingEdwardVII Hospital in central London with acute
morning sickness. (para 5)
5. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the duchess
gave birth to a baby boy. (para 6)
6. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. (para 6)
7. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under police escort (para 6)
8. A Palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course (para 6)
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. F The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. F People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. T People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. T Slow sports have become unpopular.
5. F More time is spent on stories.
Mô tả câu hỏi
punctual use time badly use more time last too long don’t have the time you need
Match each expression to its meaning.
1. waste time use time badly
2. take a long time last too long
3. spend more time use more time
4. on time punctual
5. don’t have enough time don’t have the time you need
Mô tả câu hỏi
Admit Avoid Manners Respond Work ignore Environment introduce invest improve
un- in- dis- imFill the gaps with these words from the text
A recruitment firm gives this advice to new workers:
It is important to invest time in your relationships with others at Work . Get to know the people who work
near you: introduce yourself to them and tell them something about yourself. If people ask for your help, always
Respond positively. Don’t ignore emails or phone calls just because you are busy. If you make a mistake, it is
better to Admit it and then apologise. When things go wrong, stay calm and Avoid shouting and using bad
language. Remember good Manners help to improve your working Environment , and you will find you can
enjoy your work more.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Add the following prefixes to the adjectives below to make words with the opposite meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. in formal 2. dis satisfied 3. dis honest
4. im polite 5. im practical 6. in considerate
7. un friendly 8. in efficient 9. un important
10. dis respectful 11. im patient 12. in appropriate
Mô tả câu hỏi
respectable symbolizes delicate strong color masculine color cultures mourning wedding gown
Complete each sentence with the correct one.
1. Amazingly, pink is considered a masculine color in some parts of the world. Men wear it.
2. The wedding gown is very expensive.
3. I don’t like red. It is a strong color
4. The kite is too delicate to fly safely.
5. Blue symbolizes peace.
6. In this country, people often wear black clothes in mourning
7. Meanings of colors are different in different cultures
8. The man in the grey suit is a respectable professor
Mô tả câu hỏi
professional afraid ambition accomplishments climbing challenges inspire encourage
Complete the conversation with words from the box. Use each word only once.
A Did you read the article on Erik Weihenmayer? Isn’t he a fascinating person?
B Yes, he really is! Imagine being blind and climbing a mountain!
A Even for people who can see, climbing a mountain is very difficult.
B You know, I was really surprised to learn that he is also a teacher and a professional athlete.
A People like Erik really inspire people all around the world. Did you know that he is not the only person with a
disability who has done amazing things?
B Yes! I red about Helen Keller in school. She was blind, deaf, and could not speak. Helen Keller became famous
because of all the accomplishments she had in her lifetime.
A Right! But people who have disabilities are not the only people who face challenges We all have difficulties in
our lives. We face challenges at home, at work, at school, and in relationships.
B I agree. Do you think challenges are good for us?
A Yes, I do. I think if a person is not afraid and has ambition then he or she can overcome most of life’s
challenges. I believe that challenges make us stronger.
B You are right! I think that people like Erik Weihenmayer and Helen Keller really encourage others to be brave
and face life’s challenges and never give up.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Replace the bold words by the opposite word
1. Princess prince William is a member of the British royal family.
2. He’s the Queen’s granddaughter grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana.
3. He’s the King’s Queen grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana
4. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest daughter son of Charles and Diana
5. His sister’s brother name is Harry.
6. Diana, their father mother , isn’t alive now.
7. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepfather stepmother , Camilla.
8. William’s husband wife is Kate Middleton.
Mô tả câu hỏi
in line to delighted with under police escort gave birth to spent time with different from admitted to in due course
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family. Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the members of the royal
family and the Duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the Duchess has
been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to stay for
several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for several
days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the Duchess gave birth to a
baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St Mary’s for
the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. The
Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new arrival as
“wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under
police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with
tradition. A palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A Buckingham Palace
spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Complete the following sentences using the phrases given below. Look back at Reading Text ‘The Royal Family’ in case
you check your answers.
1. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. (para 4)
2. The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news. (para 5)
3. The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. (para 5)
4. A spokesman said the duchess has been admitted to KingEdwardVII Hospital in central London with acute
morning sickness. (para 5)
5. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the duchess
gave birth to a baby boy. (para 6)
6. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. (para 6)
7. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under police escort (para 6)
8. A Palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course (para 6)
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family- but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family! Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom – and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the Members of the Royal
Family and the duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the duchess
has been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to
stay for several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in
hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the duchess gave birth
to a baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St
Mary’s for the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the
world. The Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new
arrival as “wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the
palace under police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in
line with tradition. A Palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A
Buckingham Palace spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Match paragraph headings A-F with paragraphs 1-6.
A. William and Kate expecting a baby 5
B. Kate’s family 2
C. The Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a baby
D. Royal duties 4
E. William family 1
F. An ordinary couple 3
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and decide if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)
We’re Living Faster, But Are We Living Better?
Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But
sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We
walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which
save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? An
American journalist James Gleick in a new book, Faster: the acceleration of just about everything, says that people who
live in cities are suffering from ‘hurry sickness’ – we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our
lives are more stressful. He says that if we don’t slow down, we won’t live as long as our parents. For most people,
faster doesn’t mean better.
1 No time for the news
Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger. Most people don’t have enough time to read the
articles, they only read the headlines! On TV and the radio, newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.
2 No time for stories
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are shorter versions of traditional
stories, specially written for ‘busy parents’ who want to save time!
3 No time to listen
Some answerphones now have ‘quick playback’ buttons so that we can re-play people’s messages faster – we can’t
waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed.
4 No time to relax
Even when we relax we do everything more quickly. Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten
seconds looking at each picture. Today they spend just three seconds!
5 No time for slow sports
In the USA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before it is a slow game and matches take a long time.
Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball.
6 …but more time in our cars
The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive. Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive
more slowly. We spend more time sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won’t arrive on
time. Experts predict that in ten years’ time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.
1. F The writer wrote the article to encourage us to work more and relax less.
2. F People today are having a less stressful life than they did in the past.
3. T People are too busy to read newspapers.
4. T Slow sports have become unpopular.
5. F More time is spent on stories.
un- in- dis- imMô tả câu hỏi
accomplishments professional encourage challenges climbing afraid inspire ambition
Complete the conversation with words from the box. Use each word only once.
A Did you read the article on Erik Weihenmayer? Isn’t he a fascinating person?
B Yes, he really is! Imagine being blind and climbing a mountain!
A Even for people who can see, climbing a mountain is very difficult.
B You know, I was really surprised to learn that he is also a teacher and a professional athlete.
A People like Erik really inspire people all around the world. Did you know that he is not the only person with a
disability who has done amazing things?
B Yes! I red about Helen Keller in school. She was blind, deaf, and could not speak. Helen Keller became famous
because of all the accomplishments she had in her lifetime.
A Right! But people who have disabilities are not the only people who face challenges We all have difficulties in
our lives. We face challenges at home, at work, at school, and in relationships.
B I agree. Do you think challenges are good for us?
A Yes, I do. I think if a person is not afraid and has ambition then he or she can overcome most of life’s
challenges. I believe that challenges make us stronger.
B You are right! I think that people like Erik Weihenmayer and Helen Keller really encourage others to be brave
and face life’s challenges and never give up.
Mô tả câu hỏi
invest Admit Respond Manners Environment Avoid ignore introduce Work improve
Fill the gaps with these words from the text
A recruitment firm gives this advice to new workers:
It is important to invest time in your relationships with others at Work . Get to know the people who work
near you: introduce yourself to them and tell them something about yourself. If people ask for your help, always
Respond positively. Don’t ignore emails or phone calls just because you are busy. If you make a mistake, it is
better to Admit it and then apologise. When things go wrong, stay calm and Avoid shouting and using bad
language. Remember good Manners help to improve your working Environment , and you will find you can
enjoy your work more.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Add the following prefixes to the adjectives below to make words with the opposite meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. in formal 2. dis satisfied 3. dis honest
4. im polite 5. im practical 6. in considerate
7. un friendly 8. in efficient 9. un important
10. dis respectful 11. im patient 12. in appropriate
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the texts and do the activities that follow.
The Olympic Games
During the Olympic Games, people from all over the world come together in the peace and friendship. Some of these
people complete for medals. Several million people attend the games, and millions of other people watch them on
Why do we have the Olympic Games? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games that we have records of were in
Greece in 776 B.C. The games lasted one day. The only event in the first thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran
the length or the stadium (about 192 meters). Then, longer running races were added. Through the years, a few other
kinds of events, like the long jump, were also added. During this time, the games were for men only, and women could
not even watch them. In the year 393, a Roman emperor ended the Olympic Game because the quality of the games
became very low. The Olympics did not take place again for 1500 years!
In 1984, Pierre de Coubertin of France helped from the International Olympic Committee, and the modern Olympic
Games began. In1896, the games were held again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks built a new stadium for the
competition. Three hundred and eleven athletes from thirteen countries competed in many events. The winners became
national heroes.
After 1896, the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the world. In 1900, the
Olympics were in Paris, France, and women competed for the first time. In 1908, in London, England, the first gold
medals were given to winning athletes. Before that time, the winners received only silver and bronze medals. The
Olympic flag was first introduced in 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium. The flag has five rings on it. The rings represent the
continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South American. Each ring is a different color – blue,
yellow, black, green, or red – because the flag of each of the countries that compete in the games has at least one of
these colors in it.
The Olympic Winter games began in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Athletes competed in winter events such as skiing, ice
skating, and ice hockey. Today, the Winter Games take places every four years. The Summer Games also take place
every four years, but not in the same year as the winter events. Both the Summer Games and the Winter Games must
have at least fifteen events, and they cannot last more than sixteen days.
Until recently, Olympic competitors could not be professional athletes. All of the athletes in the Olympic Games were
amateurs. Today, however, many of the Olympic athletes are professional who play their sports for money during the
year. Some people disagree with this idea. They believe that the Olympic game are for amateur athletes, not paid
professionals. Other people think that any one can play in the Olympic Games. No matter who the athletes are, millions
of people throughout the world enjoy watching the greatest athletic competitions, the Summer Game and the Winter
Games of the Olympics.
Read The Olympic Games and write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false.
The first Olympic competitors ran the length of the
Pierre de Coubertin was an athlete in the first modern
Winners have always received gold medals. F
The Olympic flag has six colored rings on it. F
The summer and winter games take place in the same year. F
Today both men and women compete in the Olympics. T
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the texts and do the activities that follow.
The Olympic Games
During the Olympic Games, people from all over the world come together in the peace and friendship. Some of these
people complete for medals. Several million people attend the games, and millions of other people watch them on
Why do we have the Olympic Games? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games that we have records of were in
Greece in 776 B.C. The games lasted one day. The only event in the first thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran
the length or the stadium (about 192 meters). Then, longer running races were added. Through the years, a few other
kinds of events, like the long jump, were also added. During this time, the games were for men only, and women could
not even watch them. In the year 393, a Roman emperor ended the Olympic Game because the quality of the games
became very low. The Olympics did not take place again for 1500 years!
In 1984, Pierre de Coubertin of France helped from the International Olympic Committee, and the modern Olympic
Games began. In1896, the games were held again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks built a new stadium for the
competition. Three hundred and eleven athletes from thirteen countries competed in many events. The winners became
national heroes.
After 1896, the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the world. In 1900, the
Olympics were in Paris, France, and women competed for the first time. In 1908, in London, England, the first gold
medals were given to winning athletes. Before that time, the winners received only silver and bronze medals. The
Olympic flag was first introduced in 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium. The flag has five rings on it. The rings represent the
continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South American. Each ring is a different color – blue,
yellow, black, green, or red – because the flag of each of the countries that compete in the games has at least one of
these colors in it.
The Olympic Winter games began in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Athletes competed in winter events such as skiing, ice
skating, and ice hockey. Today, the Winter Games take places every four years. The Summer Games also take place
every four years, but not in the same year as the winter events. Both the Summer Games and the Winter Games must
have at least fifteen events, and they cannot last more than sixteen days.
Until recently, Olympic competitors could not be professional athletes. All of the athletes in the Olympic Games were
amateurs. Today, however, many of the Olympic athletes are professional who play their sports for money during the
year. Some people disagree with this idea. They believe that the Olympic game are for amateur athletes, not paid
professionals. Other people think that any one can play in the Olympic Games. No matter who the athletes are, millions
of people throughout the world enjoy watching the greatest athletic competitions, the Summer Game and the Winter
Games of the Olympics.
X (the three main ideas of the Reading) or O (not the three main ideas of the Reading
x 1. The Olympic Games began in Greece with only one event.
o 2. The winter Games and the Summer Games each have at least fifteen events.
x 3. The Olympics have changed a lot since they began.
o 4. Skiing is a winter event.
x 5. The Olympic Games bring people together in peace.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family. Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the members of the royal
family and the Duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the Duchess has
been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to stay for
several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for several
days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the Duchess gave birth to a
baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St Mary’s for
the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. The
Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new arrival as
“wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under
police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with
tradition. A palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A Buckingham Palace
spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Read the text ‘The Royal Family’ again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. F Camilla is William’s mother.
2. T William’s wife if the Duchess of Cambridge.
3. F Kate is one of two children.
4. F James is William’s cousin.
5. T William is a football fan.
6. T The King or Queen of England is also the King or Queen of Australia.
7. F William and Kate’s son will be first in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William.
8. T Kate gave birth to a baby boy, at 4:30pm, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital.
9. F William was absent from St Mary’s for the birth.
10. F Few people in England knew about Kate giving birth to a baby boy.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Replace the bold words by the opposite word
1. Princess prince William is a member of the British royal family.
2. He’s the Queen’s granddaughter grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana.
3. He’s the King’s queen grandson and the eldest son of Charles and Diana
4. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest daughter son of Charles and Diana
5. His sister’s brother name is Harry.
6. Diana, their father mother , isn’t alive now.
7. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepfather stepmother , Camilla.
8. William’s husband wife is Kate Middleton.
Mô tả câu hỏi
spent time with under police escort in due course admitted to delighted with gave birth to different from in line to
Read the text and do the activities that follow.
The Royal Family
1. Prince William is a member of the British royal family. He’s the Queen’s grandson and the eldest son of Charles
and Diana. His brother’s name is Harry. Diana, their mother, isn’t alive now, but they have a stepmother, Camilla.
2. William’s wife is Kate Middleton. She’s originally from an ordinary family but of course, she’s now the Duchess of
Cambridge and part of the royal family. Kate has a brother, James, and a sister, Pippa. Their parents, Michael and
Carole, have an online business.
3. In some ways, Kate and William are a normal couple. They have friends from university and they have hobbies and
interests too. For example, William loves football and Kate likes photography. In the winter, they go skiing
4. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. William is the future King of the United
Kingdom and fifteen other countries too, including Canada and Australia. Kate and William have a lot of official
duties. They help charities in the UK and Africa, they visit other countries and they meet important visitors to the
5. The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby, St James’s Palace has confirmed. All the members of the royal
family and the Duchess’s family, the Middletons, are delighted: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of
Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news.”
The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. A spokesman said the Duchess has
been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in central London with acute morning sickness and is expected to stay for
several days: “As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for several
days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
6. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the Duchess gave birth to a
baby boy, at 16:30, 22nd July 2013 UK time at St Mary’s Hospital, west London. William was present at St Mary’s for
the birth. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. The
Queen’s gynecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the team that delivered the baby, described the new arrival as
“wonderful baby, beautiful baby”. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under
police escort. The news has been since displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with
tradition. A palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course. A Buckingham Palace
spokesman said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are delighted at the news.”
Complete the following sentences using the phrases given below. Look back at Reading Text ‘The Royal Family’ in case
you check your answers.
1. In other ways, their lives are very different from their friends’ lives. (para 4)
2. The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news. (para 5)
3. The baby will be third in line to the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William. (para 5)
4. A spokesman said the duchess has been admitted to KingEdwardVII Hospital in central London with acute
morning sickness. (para 5)
5. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, says he and his wife “could not be happier” after the duchess
gave birth to a baby boy. (para 6)
6. The young parents spent time with their son before telling the news to their families and the world. (para 6)
7. A bulletin signed by him was taken by a royal aide from St Mary’s to the palace under police escort (para 6)
8. A Palace spokesman said the names of the baby would be announced in due course (para 6)
Mô tả câu hỏi
……………………is necessary after hard work.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Relaxing
b. Relax
c. Relaxation
d. Relaxed
Mô tả câu hỏi
_________________________________________ . For example, a person can have breakfast in New York, board an airplane,
and have dinner in Paris. A businesswoman in London can instantly place an order with a factory in Hong Kong by
sending a fax. Furthermore, a schoolboy in Tokyo can turn on a TV and watch a baseball game being played in Los
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Airplanes have changed our lives.
b. Advances in technology have made the world seem smaller.
c. The fax machine was an important invention.
Mô tả câu hỏi
A……………..diet is one that helps maintain general health.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Healthy
b. Health
c. Unhealthy
Mô tả câu hỏi
He took up that sport for its………………………
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Unpopular
b. Popular
c. Popularity
d. Popularize
Mô tả câu hỏi
The patient comes to the hospital in the………………that he will be cured.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Unbelievable
b. Believe
c. Believable
d. Belief
Mô tả câu hỏi
_________________________________________ First of all, we need money to repair old roads and build new roads. We also
need more to pay teachers’ salaries and to pay for services such as trash collection. Finally, more tax money is needed
to give financial help to the poor citizens of the city. It is clear that the city will have serious problems if taxes are not
raised soon.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. City taxes are too high.
b. We should raise city taxes.
c. City taxes pay for new roads.
Mô tả câu hỏi
The……………system in this country is rather complex.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Educated
b. educating
c. Educate
d. Education
Mô tả câu hỏi
Office workers “admit being rude”
Most office workers say they are rude or bad-mannered at work. Two out of three workers regularly arrive late for
meetings, most ignore emails and three out of four use bad language. In a survey of 1,000 workers, two-thirds say that
pressure of work is the reason for bad manners.
Other common examples of bad office etiquette include ignoring colleagues and answering mobile phone calls during
meetings. Using mobile phones in meetings is impolite and distracts others, research by the University of Surrey shows.
If you respond to call when speaking to somebody, it means that the phone call is more important than the person, the
survey said. If you answer a call during a meeting, it could mean that the meeting is not important.
Mr Jacobs, managing director of Office Angels, a recruitment firm say it is easy for people to forget their manners in the
working environment, which is often very informal and very busy. Workers can forget proper etiquette such as
introducing people at meetings, and this is often bad for working relationships.
Psychologist Dr Colin Gill believes that people are not as polite as they were twenty years ago. He said: ‘Courtesy is no
longer something that is so much respected in our society.’ People think it is ‘stuffy to be polite or formal.’
Now some organisations are actually investing money in training their junior managers to be polite. Office Angels is
encouraging people to arrive on time for meetings, turn off mobile phones and avoid bad manners at work is such a
simple thing to do,’ Mr Jacobs says, ‘ and it can have a dramatic impact on improving your working environment and
your relationships with others.’
The author wants to ………………………….
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. give advice on how to behave politely at work
b. give specific examples of bad manners at work
c. give specific figures of bad manners at work
Mô tả câu hỏi
Circle the best title for the reading text.
Color Matters for What You Wear
Clothes are like a second skin. Most likely you feel good when you wear your favorite color. What happens when
someone sees you wearing any color – for example blue? Does the color send a message?
What do you think about pink and blue for children?
One of the most common examples of color symbolism in clothing is the custom of using pink for girls and blue for boys,
but it wasn’t always this way. This tradition emerged at the turn of the 20
th century. Since pink was thought to be a
stronger color, it was best suited for boys; blue was more delicate and dainty and best for girls. In 1921, the Women’s
Institute for Domestic Science in Pennsylvania endorsed pink for boys, blue for girls.
Even more interesting is the fact that pink is the color for baby boys and blue is the color for baby girls in Belgium
Another interesting fact about pink is that pink is a very masculine color in Bermuda. Also, British bankers and
barristers have worn pink shirts for decades. Pink goes in and out of fashion in other parts of the world. White is the
traditional color for a bride’s wedding gown in the U.S. and most European cultures. White symbolizes purity and
What about the color worn for weddings and funerals?
In Asia, white is the color of death. This arises from the belief that death is seen as a beginning and that white
represents the purity that the deceased brings into the next life. Therefore, brides in Japan and China wear red in
traditional wedding ceremonies.
White is also associated with death in India, where widows wear white. Consequently, red or pink saris are the most
popular colors for brides.
What about black clothes?
Black symbolizes death and is the traditional color of mourning in Western cultures. Black clothing is associated with
powerful forces in many parts of the world. Bad and good Witches, the devil, ninjas, cat burglars, Darth Vader, Cat
Woman, and Batman wear black….and so do priests, nuns, judges, mimes, Mennonites, Bedouins, and monks.
Maybe the common thread is that these people are signaling their seriousness of purpose – or the need to be hard to see
– or both.
Here’s something else to think about: What happens when the same people wear green? Are they as powerful? Are the
priest and nun as respectable?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Colors and what you wear.
b. Colors and your personality.
c. Colors and kids.
Mô tả câu hỏi
Text 1 Bad manners at work
Etiquette is the name we give to the rules for being polite in a social group. Business etiquette is important for people
who often have to make new contacts and build relationships in their work. Politeness can also help to improve the
working environment for people in the same office. Some cultures and situations are formal, which means that we
have to follow rules; other cultures and situations are more informal.
Text 2 Office workers “admit being rude”
Most office workers say they are rude or bad-mannered at work. Two out of three workers regularly arrive late for
meetings, most ignore emails and three out of four use bad language. In a survey of 1,000 workers, two-thirds say that
pressure of work is the reason for bad manners.
Other common examples of bad office etiquette include ignoring colleagues and answering mobile phone calls during
meetings. Using mobile phones in meetings is impolite and distracts others, research by the University of Surrey shows.
If you respond to call when speaking to somebody, it means that the phone call is more important than the person, the
survey said. If you answer a call during a meeting, it could mean that the meeting is not important.
Mr Jacobs, managing director of Office Angels, a recruitment firm say it is easy for people to forget their manners in the
working environment, which is often very informal and very busy. Workers can forget proper etiquette such as
introducing people at meetings, and this is often bad for working relationships.
Psychologist Dr Colin Gill believes that people are not as polite as they were twenty years ago. He said: ‘Courtesy is no
longer something that is so much respected in our society.’ People think it is ‘stuffy to be polite or formal.’
Now some organisations are actually investing money in training their junior managers to be polite. Office Angels is
encouraging people to arrive on time for meetings, turn off mobile phones and avoid bad manners at work is such a
simple thing to do,’ Mr Jacobs says, ‘ and it can have a dramatic impact on improving your working environment and
your relationships with others.’
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. spend all money they have
b. improve the working environment and relationships with others
c. help them more famous

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